Frequently Asked Question

How to remove the config and data from a device - Inspirit V1, FieldWiz V2, Admos (EN)
Last Updated 6 months ago

To delete the config (Device Number, Player's information) from a device (Inspirit V1, FieldWiz V2, Admos), as well as the remaining data, you should use our RAW page:

  1. Open the page
  2. Connect the device to your PC with the USB cable
  3. Click on the "Connect" button on the RAW page
  4. On the menu displayed on your browser address bar, select the device and click on "Connect"
  5. Then on the RAW page, click on "Erase Config"
  6. Once the message "Config erased !" appears, click on "Erase Data"
  7. Once it is done, the message "Data erased !" will appears

The device will then appear as "deviceType_00" (example: "Inspirit_00"). The player's name will be erased, as well as the remaining data too.

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