Frequently Asked Question

Analyze FieldWiz - How to solve browser error "Your connection is not private" (EN)
Last Updated 2 years ago

When accessing to site, if your browser displays an error such as the following "Your connection is not private", the issue might come from your computer of from the network you are connected to.
The security certificate of our website is automatically updated before it expires.

Below we will list you some recommendations and points to check that could solve this issue.

Warning: Your connection is not private

Please try the following points one after the other until the page can be loaded correctly:

  1. Simply close and reopen your browser. Now try again to load the page
  2. If you are connected to a public network (café, hotel, airport,...), you need to connect first to the page of that public network and accept its conditions. Then you can browse to the site
  3. Check your computer's clock. The browser count on your computer's clock to vérify the SSL certificate validity.
    1. How to check date and Time on Windows
      1. Right-click the date and time on the taskbar.
      2. Click on Adjust date/time.
      3. Verify the date and time are correct. If it is not, go to the next step.
      4. Activate "Set date and time automatically"
      5. Below, select the Time Zone.
      6. Close your browser and reopen it. Then go back to the site
    2. How to check Date and Time on a Mac
      1. Go to the Apple menu and click on "System Preferences"
      2. Click on the icon for Day and Time. If a padlock is displayed on it, you might have to click on it and enter your administrator credentials
      3. Ensure the date and time are accurate. If it is not, go to the next step.
      4. Select "Set date and time automatically". This update will be based on one of the Apple's NTP servers.
      5. Select the Time Zone tab. If it doesn't automatically detect your location, just uncheck it so you can set it manually. On the map, select your time zone, region and city.
      6. Close your browser and reopen it. Then go back to the site
  4. Erase the browser cache and cookies. Then try again to open the site

  5. Try to erase the SSL security certificate on your computer. Then try again to open the site

  6. Try to access the site in Private Mode.

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