Frequently Asked Question
On our platform, all devices and the data they produced are owned by some user account. Your application requires user authentication in order to access these resources on behalf of the users. You are free to use the same Manager account for everything if the athlete management functionalities don't apply to your use case.
If you only want access to raw sensor data such as location, speed etc., then you don't need any extra account. Such data relate only to the device. This kind of data is referred to as preprocessed data in the docs.
On the other end, reports based on additional computation, such as some sport-specific metrics, require an explicit authorization from an Athlete account (associated to a given device at a given time). This is referred to as computed data. As an alternative, the concept of Managed Athletes allows access to computed data without an extra account. To enable it though, we need you to sign a contract stating that you take responsibility for ensuring the proper handling of identifiable athlete data.
If your company owns all the device, you can use a single company-wide Manager account for everything. Otherwise, our API provides endpoints to control which Manager owns which device at a given time.
I hope this is helpful. I encourage you to read our Getting Started guide carefully for more details.