Frequently Asked Question

Analyze FieldWiz - How to solve Heatmap display issue? (EN)
Last Updated 2 years ago

After generating the statistics of a sport session on Analyze FieldWiz portal, if you notice that the Heatmap is not displayed correctly under the "Individual Players" tab, we recommend you to recalculate the statistic.

To recalculate a statistic, please follow these steps:

  1. Go back to the "Setup" tab
  2. Then under the "Field Settings" submenu, change slightly one flag's position on the map
  3. Or under the "Period Settings" submenu, change slightly one of the periods you set 
  4. And then click on "Calculate Statistics"
  5. When the calculation is finished, please check if the heat map is displayed correctly.

Heatmap, heat map.

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